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Visualization, Body-Language, Self-talk
"A coach once told me, 90% of the game is mental. But never did anything about it." - Coach Lisa
v: visualize
“The most powerful person in the world is the story teller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” - Steve Jobs
Visualization is the mental imagery training portion within the VBS System. It is the lens through which we see ourselves, a mental rehearsal, a video of an upcoming performance. The power of visualization has been around for centuries yet millions of people still do not utilize our natural born given gift of visualization. Many people may feel that it is too difficult or they simply don’t believe in the actual power it has. Yet, scientific data has strongly supported the positive impacts of visualization which is why it is used in the sports industry as an effective tool to enhance performance.
It starts with creating the story. If one does not create the story of what they would like to happen for themselves, they are walking through their performance versus creating their performance. Also, they will most likely allow outside conditions influence their performance. This is why setting a clear vision of what you'd like to happen for yourself is vital. So, tell me that story.
When creating your story, one must get as detailed as possible. You will know if you have covered all details if your story invokes an emotion from you. It is this emotion that will tell you, you nailed it. Your mind now believes the story to be real and as if it had already happened. In scientific terms, this is called Functional equivalence. Functional equivalence is the similarity between the patterns of brain activity during mental practice and physical performance.
Grab a pen and paper and write your story.
Read it over and over until you feel it to be true.
Now, you are eager to perform.
You are not scared.
You are ready.
It is done.
b: body-language
"Chin UP!” - Pat Lombardo
Body-language is such an underrated topic of discussion yet offers massive benefits to everyone and anyone who uses it to their advantage. Simply put, our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behaviors, and our behaviors change our outcomes. Describe the person who is nervous, insecure, or anxious walking down the street. Now, describe the person who confident, joyful, eager, and ready walking down the street.
This is the power of body-language.
We use this understanding to our advantage in the game of sports and in the game life. Put yourself in physical positions of power by standing tall, putting your shoulders back, and, most importantly, lifting your chin up. You will see that this will invoke a feeling from you; a positive feeling. Next, try the opposite. Slouch your shoulders and relax your chin.
Point proven.
Besides feeling the different emotions that come with negative or positive positions, the science is there to prove it. Studies have found that presence correlates to passion, enthusiasm, confidence, authenticity, being comfortable, and captivating. A person's body language can dictate what is happening within the mind yet a person's body language can also shift what is happening in their mind. Start to create that shift by putting your body into positions of power.
Shoulders back.
Chest up.
Chin up.
Walk tall.
s: self-talk
"Positive self-talk is to emotional pain as a pain pill is to physical pain.” - Miya Yamanouchi
It is no secret that the way that we talk to ourselves has a massive impact on how we feel. Instead of going into the "why" we may talk to ourselves in a negative manner, let's focus on how we'd like to talk to ourselves going forward. It starts with becoming aware of the thoughts that come through your mind. Once we become aware, we have the power to kick in the Triple C Method: Catch, Cancel, Construct.
Catch: As a thought appears into your mind that invokes a negative, catch it. Visualize yourself grabbing hold of that thought within your mind. Now, we can see the thought for what it is and be ready to put it to bed. Remember, this thought is doing absolutely nothing good for you. Now, cancel it. Cancel the thought that you caught and smile as you say goodbye to it. As you still smiling, construct it. Construct a new thought that you would like to think. A positive, joyful thought, that lights you up... a memory... a vision... anything. Anything that is the opposite of the thought we caught.
As you begin this process, you will start to recognize how many negative thoughts have consumed your mind, in turn impacting how you feel. You now are starting to do the work. The work of taking control.
Let's put the system together.
Create your story for absolutely anything in your life that you would like. As you see this story in your mind, embrace the emotions it is giving you.
As you walk through your day (or upcoming performance), walk tall, chin up, smile.
Thousands of thoughts will float in and out of your mind throughout the day. Don't like one? Catch, Cancel, and Construct.
You are now on the path to stepping into your true self. The person you were born to be.
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